Free License
Please read through the license terms before downloading. If you do not agree with them, please don't download any styles or extensions. By downloading and installing the styles and extensions, you agree with the license terms.
Unless specified otherwise on the project page, these license terms apply to all free styles, extensions and graphics by cls- design.
License terms - styles
You aren't allowed to remove any visible or invisible links to cls-design.
You aren’t allowed to offer the styles, completely or partially, to download or share.
It is not permitted to remove the graphics and code from the style packages and to use them in one’s own styles or projects.
Branding or Copyright
It is generally not permitted to remove links and information about cls-design. If a graphic with a link or hint is to be replaced, the note from the old graphic is to be inserted onto the new graphic, in the same place and with the same size and readability.
License terms - extensions
- You aren't allowed to remove any visible or invisible links referring to our website.
- You aren't allowed to offer the extensions to download or share.
- It is allowed to customize the extensions based on one's own purposes.
- The extensions can be used for commercial purposes.
Support and guarantees
- All styles and plugins are offered without the right for support or warranty.
- The use of styles and extensions is at your own risk. We accept no responsibility for any damages, occuring in connection with our styles and extensions.