Commercial License
The following license terms are accepted with the purchase and download of a commercial product:
§ 1. Installation
Products must be installed per license only on one (1) web server (or webspace) and only once in a (1) forum. If you want to use the same product on other web servers or forums, you must purchase additional licenses of the product for any further installation.
§ 2. License holder
The sole copyright rests solely with the license holder (person on the invoice) respectively the owner of the account. Products (graphics and source code) are forbidden to be given, rented or otherwise temporarily left to third parties.
§ 3. License transfer
A resale of individual products is not possible due to technical reasons. Therefore, always the complete customer area with all licenses contained therein have to be passed. A sale is only possible if the customer area with the user ID and password is passed on to the buyer. After the handover, the seller obligates to delete all files downloaded from the customer area.
§ 4. Testing installation
The license holder is allowed to possess another installation in a test system, locally or on one (1) web server.
§ 5. License term
The licenses have an unlimited duration.
§ 6. Branding
The create note (copyright) in the footer isn’t allowed to be removed or changed in styles and extensions, unless, in addition to the respective style package that you want to use without a creating note, you purchase the branding-free option. Should a style package consist of several styles, the branding-free license to remove the create hint from all styles of a package is entitled.
§ 7. Information obligation
Each customer has to deposit the URL (web address) in the customer area, where the product is to be used. The URL must be entered before downloading. If the URL is changed, the new URL has to be deposited then in the customer area.
§ 8. Amendments
The products may be modified according to your needs and at your own risk and remodeling. The only exceptions are the visible creating notes (copyright) in styles and extensions. These must be clearly visible and clickable in the footer, always in the same size, unless a branding free license was acquired to the style, see point 6.